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  By the Numbers 

In the first 3 months of FY 22-23, we have seen 34% more clients accessing domestic violence services than we did in the first 3 months of FY 21-22. 

Data below is based on FY 2021-22 figures

> Stability Services


People received career and financial 

counseling to help them become more financially stable.

100% reported that they were satisfied with the career services provided and had at least one goal to improve their financial situation.


People were connected to housing, mental health, food pantry, and other local resources. 

88% reported that they had increased knowledge of services and resources available to them.


People received legal information services related to divorce, separation, child custody, and  spousal support from local attorneys.

100% reported the information provided was helpful to them.

> Domestic Violence and Crisis Services


People received counseling and emotional support through our 24-hour hotline, in-person counseling, court advocacy, or support groups. 

94% of clients reported that they completed safety planning that met their needs when they met with advocates.


Victims of domestic violence filed protective orders, sometimes referred to as "restraining orders," which can require abusers to stop all contact with victim.

86% of clients reported they felt supported in court by our advocates.


Community members and professionals received education and training on the dynamics of domestic violence and how to connect people to local domestic violence crisis services.

98% surveyed reported that the presentation increased their knowledge of domestic violence and response.

> Adolescent Empowerment Services


Middle school youth participated in Start Strong teen dating violence prevention program.

84% of youth reported increased knowledge about dating and domestic abuse. 


View testimonials from our clients to learn about how Compass Center supported them!

Carlynn received several one-on-one fina
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